Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks Today and Everyday

A gentle reminder to practice Gratitude and Thankfulness Each Day. I give Thanks to those sharing in this beautiful journey of Life with me. I AM GRATEFUL . 

A little music for the soul.

"And these happy feelings, I'll spread them all over the world...from deep in my Soul"

Peace and Love.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Yoga and Divorce

Yoga and Divorce
A story of love, marriage, divorce and finding myself. And Yoga, don't forget Yoga!

I joked with a friend that yoga caused me to get divorced. Not completely accurate but a lot of truth to it. My marriage had been in that “state”of stuck for a long time. We were roommates raising children and sharing a home for years. Our level of interest in one another was pretty low, it became more of a challenge to communicate with one another and doing things together was more of routine than anything else. Everything became routine. And as we all know, routine gets boring. Feeling lonely in a marriage is big NO NO. When two people are unhappy why do we feel the need to continue in that unhappiness? To force things for the sake of our children or stay together because of what others will think. Thus teaching our children that its ok to stay in an unhappy situation, to find comfort in unhappiness? We lived in a clouded haze for years, the days just melting into one another, year after year and led everyone else to think that all was perfect. After all, we had everything that should make someone happy. A well paying job, a nice home in an affluent neighborhood, 3 wonderful children and anything else that society deems necessary to obtain happiness. What was missing was our connection with one another: openness, trust, vulnerability and the ability to listen. These are all the foundation for a deeper connection, a connection of the souls.
Going through a yoga teacher training program made me aware of so much more. For the first time in a long time I felt like I was understanding who I was again. I was regaining my power and filling my heart and soul in a way that I never had before. This was amazing for me, yet not so amazing for a relationship that was not so stable and which suddenly made my husband feel like he no longer knew who I was. I felt kind of weird saying it, but it was true. He thought his wife had an alter ego or was in need of therapy but in actuality this is who I had always been deep down it side. The "real me" had been covered up and hidden while I became a person that I was supposed to be . I had lost myself.
I had friends ask how I was so calm and positive during my divorce. The only response I had was: Yoga. I'm not an expert on anything, so don’t expect any “aha” moments here, just my truth. I am 43 44 year old mom of 3 that decided she wanted to change her life and had enough courage to do so. Somehow I didn't go completely nuts or become depressed and I owe it to Yoga. So over the next few posts I'll be sharing, my ups and downs and how Yoga somehow kept me sane during my divorce.
Grab a glass of wine and turn the page.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Until you LOVE yourself completely and without reservation. You can not share that Love with another.

I choose to wake up and live from a place of Love. I choose to tell people that I LOVE them. I choose to BE the light in a dark world. I choose to LOVE all of my imperfections and to keep working on myself in order to grow into the best version of ME possible.  I choose to make the conscious decision to make sure that my words and deeds align with truth and light. THIS IS LOVE.

Every single day, In every single situation... I CHOOSE LOVE

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

who I AM


a woman. a mother. a sister. a daughter. an aunt. a cousin. a friend.
in love with the sun, water, the changes of season.
a lover of the beach, the mountains and the forest.
a lover of all animals ,big and small 

imperfectly perfect and a beautiful mess.
random and a free spirit and oh so passionate.
speaking, walking and living my truth.

 a lover of red wine and chocolate.
and popcorn too.
a woman that eats to live not live to eat.

kind and sincere.

a Lover of LOVE.
resonating love.
giving of love.
deserving of love.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

The gift

I truly believe that you are exactly where you are at the present moment for a reason. Every interaction you have, every circumstance you encounter .. All have a purpose. Every single thing is a GIFT to either learn from or grow from.

When you face each day with purpose versus seeing events as random, things shift. Your life shifts in the most amazing ways when your eyes and heart are open to receive . Life has a funny way of sending us signals, of guiding us in the right direction . Many people miss these signals because of the inability to see things with an open heart and mind . Living from fear or by societies "standards" versus living authentically can hinder your ability to move forward in life and enjoy all that life has to offer . We were not put on this earth the be afraid , sad, heart broken or mistreated yet so many settle and live this way. We are here to live of our  best and highest ability. To live and grow from a place of Love. 

When you know better ,you do better .

In Love

KidQ App from Scholastic Parent & Child


As the mom of three kids, I get asked tons of questions daily. Some I can answer, and honestly, some I can't. We generally  use the internet to research some of the answers to the questions or sometimes look them up in books we have in the house. 

Recently I was approached by Scholastic to try out a new app that they were launching called KidQ, which is an amazing app that is FREE and kept my children engaged while learning. Each day a question posts on the app that has a playful question such as: Why is the sky blue? or Why do we say "ears" of corn, or my favorite "What are freckles?" (as we all have these little "angel kisses", as I call them ). We would all give the answer we thought was correct and then have fun comparing our explanations to the facts.  My little ones look forward to the questions daily and its a nice way to transition from after school into our evening routine. 

One of the best ways to connect with our children in through conversation and the app allows us to do just that. The app facilitates conversation via fun Q&A's about the things that kids are most curious about.  The app is completely free and available iPhone and Android. You can download Here at Scholastic Parent & Child 

Disclaimer: I received compensation in return for my agreement to post on behalf of this program. I have been asked by Scholastic Parent & Child to write this post. My review  of the product is  my honest opinion.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Some kind of crazy

Today has been some kind of crazy. 

There are certain things that are "triggers" for me: things that make me uncomfortable, insecure, afraid. Things that happen or words that are said that make me question my ability, my self and my purpose . Things that make me feel vulnerable and lost in this world . 

Today I recognized these "triggers" and was able to stop them in their tracks.. To take a step back and not react yet simply respond . I had to sit in my car and close my eyes and simply breathe, knowing that others actions and words were a reflection of them and not me. Knowing that they had no value to who I am as a woman. I am so thankful that I was able to see these actions for what they were before I caved and spiraled into what could've been an emotional mess. 

What I realized is that I am so incredibly worthy of Love. I am worthy of respect. I am worthy of compassion and truth. In knowing these things I also know that I will not settle.  I am exactly where I need to be at the moment and that no matter what twists and turns life throws at me, what the future holds is amazing!!

So dear universe, thank you for testing my limits today, for pushing me and for trusting in me enough to come out on top like the courageous , strong and faithful woman that I am. I  am Living and learning everyday and allowing myself to Just Be.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my 44th birthday . I like to think I'm not 44 years old but 44 years wise. Grateful for everything that has led me to right where I am. Last year was a challenge in so many ways, but also the year where I grew so much as a person. 

Last year I ran 3 half marathons, a 10k a 9k , a mud run and a color run. Thankful for my legs for carrying me!

I was able to be there for my children every single day. Thru tears and laughter, sadness and happiness , I was able to be there to support and comfort them. Grateful to be a stay at home mom .

Thankful for my good health and my willingness to learn and grow daily.  Thankful for my many friends who have been honest with me even when it hurt, comforted me when I was in pain , and loved me unconditionally .  I am blessed to have such amazing people in my life .

It has been a year of learning and growing, heartache and happiness , finding my faith and living authentically. 

Wishing myself a year of peace, happiness, abundance and good health. Living and loving with an open heart.

When we know that anything is possible ... ANYTHING is possible!! Creating the life I've always imagined, one day at a time. 

thank you for being a part of my journey.

In Love


Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I have always loved to travel, it's one of the reasons I became a flight attendant after college. Seeing the world thru my own eyes and heart is an experience that can never be replicated. For me, travel is not for a vacation , travel is something that makes me come alive, something that nourishes my soul. Something that I need to experience on a regular basis to feel connected and whole. It doesn't take a trip around the world to satisfy this need to travel, a simple road trip to a new  destination brings the same amount of fulfillment.

I have traveled to Hawaii where I rode down a volcano at sunrise, I snorkeled for the first time and felt incredibly humbled at what I had seen below me. I have traveled to Mexico and Canada , London and Paris and have gone horse back riding through the hills of Jamaica. it is not the act of a luxurious vacation, it is the act of exploring the unknown and soaking in the sights,sounds and culture. It is about becoming submerged in a different place.

I recently traveled to Denver. I had forgotten how beautiful it was, how the mountains were breathtaking and how the mountain air would fill my lungs with such ease. I had forgotten how overwhelming it would feel to see all of this divine beauty and how my heart and soul would be filled with so much joy that it would take my breath away. 

Oh but it hit me, and my first morning as I took an early morning walk, I cried. The universe sent me a sign.. This time a physical sign that stopped me in my tracks and made me say " ok, I hear you, I get it and I am listening !!" 

I'm in the middle of Colorado taking a 6 am solo walk and run into this sign .. Purdue ..The college I attended in Indiana, the place that I left my heart, the place that always brought me such comfort , the place that I always stop at and sit for hours at a time to clear my head and listen to my heart. A place that I will forever be connected.

I cried out of comfort and connection. It was something I needed to see to know that we are all connected and even thousands of miles away, one little reminder can bring such peace. 
I immediately knew that my trip to Denver would open my heart even more, guiding me to pay attention to every sight and sound . Allowing me to Just Be present in each and every moment .

Here are a few more things that let me know that I was exactly where I needed to be:

Wanderlust: the strong desire or need to travel the world 

I have so much to share about my time spent in Colorado. Day one let me know that this was all divine timing.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Be Your Best Self

A week ago my life changed. Not in some crazy kind of way but in one of the gentlest most loving ways possible. Totally unexpected yet completely appreciated. 

There are many people that I look up to and admire, people that live their lives in the way I aspire to. Living with faith, love and honesty in their hearts. A conversation with one of these people, a dear friend for over 20 years, inspired me even more to live my life authentically .

Over the years I have read books, watched videos and attended seminars on living an authentic life ,finding my passion, living from love not fear, discovering my true self. In this exploration ,I have grown into the woman that I am today.. A strong woman, one with the courage to leave an  un-fulfilling marriage and  the strength and ability to co-parent with a love filled heart , a woman that knows that I am worthy , I  am lovable and I am enough. A woman that has come to realize that thru my struggles I have grown to love myself even more than I could imagine and that I am imperfectly perfect and am absolutely ok with that.  

It is so rare to have someone speak to you with such love in their heart, with compassion and conviction.  What he did for me was give me hope and re-affirm purpose. Not that I had ever lost hope, but he reminded me that we can all have whatever we want in this beautiful thing called life .  He reminded me to continue doing what I have been doing : living my truth and being the best that I can be. I have re-evaluated things in my life since our conversation and removed things and people that don't align with my soul . I am focused on taking care of ME, mind (reading and continuously seeking and  learning) , body (eating what nourishes my body and keeping my body in optimal health by moving it everyday), and spirit (praying, meditating , journaling). THIS is the gift he gave me, the gift of knowing /following my truth and purpose .

We can never settle or live a life less than what we imagine, as it isn't our truth. I am forever grateful for my friend, for his kind words and his open heart. He is proud of me and I am blessed to call him my friend. 

Live each day fully and from a place of truth and love ❤️



Saturday, July 5, 2014


There are some people in this world that you are connected to. That no matter how many miles between you, that no matter what circumstances may arise.. Your souls are intertwined and connected for eternity. 

People talk about soul mates in such interesting ways, that they complete you , that it just feels "right" , that they know each other's thoughts or can finish each other's sentences and I agree with that but I also feel that there is more. I believe that soul mates push you and challenge you to be the best version of you possible. What that means is that they push you outside of your comfort zone , encouraging you to dig deeper inside of yourself for your truth and purpose. If two people merely come together and never lift one another higher , things become stagnant. The same is true when one person seeks truth and growth and the other does not. The power of a soul mate is in the depth of which they share themselves with you, the transparency ,the trust, and the vulnerability that they are so willing to display. Living from a place of love and never from a place of fear.

A soul mate shows up in all forms: friends, lovers, family, co-workers... There are just some people that you connect with on a soul-ular level. Pay attention ,open your heart and accept all that comes your way in this  amazing life that we are given. 

Live each day fully and be present in the moment so that you recognize the gifts all around you. 

JUST BE.. Open,loving,kind,compassionate, faithful, strong, generous... The best version of YOU possible❤️

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Reebok and Avon Walk for Breast Cancer Chicago

Recently I was given the opportunity to teach yoga at the "stretching and relaxation" tent hosted by Reebok at the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Chicago . 

ME, the girl who had walked for the last 5 years to help raise awareness for Breast cancer, ME , the woman who went through Yoga teacher training to help deal with my own transition in life was being asked to help guide others . 

Yoga has been a part of my life forever , it's a part of who I am . It has kept me grounded, mentally stable and whole. Yoga is a way of life for me. It's not just what I practice on my mat, but what I practice in my daily life that's way more important . That's what creates the person that I am, and pushes me towards the person I want to be. 

I am grateful for such an amazing opportunity and got to meet two other amazing Chicago yoga teachers, Melissa and Heather, who taught that day as well.

When you do what you love and love what you do. Everything is perfect.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Living authentically

I've been wanting to write here again for so long. Yet kept putting it off, keeping the words, thoughts and emotions inside.  

And then when I take time to actually put the words on paper... I can't, because I have so many thoughts at once. Several different stories to tell yet all intertwined as one. Tales of love and loss, new beginnings, wanderlust , connection, friendship and my yogi travels. Stories of hope and of disappointment , feelings of excitement and sadness , the feeling of butterflies in my stomach as well as feeling that dull pain in my heart . The urge to protect myself yet knowing that I can't live fully while being fearful, being afraid to live and love openly and honestly does not align with who I am. I choose to live my life authentically .

So here I am, rough around the edges, a little scarred but so amazingly strong and imperfectly perfect. Living each day to it's fullest . Full of forgiveness , love,
Compassion and feeling blessed and grateful for each experience. My dear friend Pilar told me that Nothing happens by coincidence, everything happens for a reason.. You meet people to either teach them a lessons or to learn a life lesson from them.  Pretty simple when you think about it, yet also pretty amazing. 

So I guess I end this today by saying, be kind ,caring and compassionate to yourself and also to others .  Live your life from a place of love and authenticity .


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Vegan Banana Bread, (Chocolate Chip Banana Coconut Cinnamon Bread)

With the freezing temps here in Chicago I wanted something warm and comforting today. I threw this together and it turned out perfect ! I scribbled the ingredients down on a napkin before throwing everything in the bowl, just in case things worked out ok.

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup coconut sugar
2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla
2 tablespoons flax seeds
1/2 tsp cinnamon 
2 ripe bananas 
Handful of dairy free chocolate chips 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, grease load pan with coconut oil.

In a med sized bowl mix coconut oils(solid state) and sugar together until blended. Add in bananas and mix a little more, I used a wooden spoon - no mixer necessary. Add the remaining ingredients and continue mixing until everything is blended.

Bake 40-50 min (mine was perfect at 41 minutes, don't over bake or it will be dry)