Sunday, August 17, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me

Today is my 44th birthday . I like to think I'm not 44 years old but 44 years wise. Grateful for everything that has led me to right where I am. Last year was a challenge in so many ways, but also the year where I grew so much as a person. 

Last year I ran 3 half marathons, a 10k a 9k , a mud run and a color run. Thankful for my legs for carrying me!

I was able to be there for my children every single day. Thru tears and laughter, sadness and happiness , I was able to be there to support and comfort them. Grateful to be a stay at home mom .

Thankful for my good health and my willingness to learn and grow daily.  Thankful for my many friends who have been honest with me even when it hurt, comforted me when I was in pain , and loved me unconditionally .  I am blessed to have such amazing people in my life .

It has been a year of learning and growing, heartache and happiness , finding my faith and living authentically. 

Wishing myself a year of peace, happiness, abundance and good health. Living and loving with an open heart.

When we know that anything is possible ... ANYTHING is possible!! Creating the life I've always imagined, one day at a time. 

thank you for being a part of my journey.

In Love
