Saturday, December 16, 2017

How To Use Social Media to Grow Your Yoga Business

Yoga and Social Media

How I use Social Media to Build My Yoga Practice

I became a Lucy Brand Ambassador through IG interaction

I've never advertised. In fact , 99% of all of my business has come from one of the Social Media Platforms. I've used Twitter since the beginning, and eventually added Facebook and then Instagram

I have acquired both private and corporate clients through Instagram. I have obtained corporate wellness clients through Facebook and several companies have reached out to me to partner or sponsor events for my brand through Instagram.

Social Media is here to stay. If you aren't using social media to grow your business, you are definitely missing the boat. One social media post can go viral in an instant. It's an easy way, to talk about who you are and what you do, while also sharing valuable and shareable information.  Social Media opens the door to companies and connections that you wouldn't otherwise have access to. 

I recently did a guest blog post for Aidan Booth. If you haven't heard of Aidan, you should definitely check out his website for other ways to grow your business or brand. He has tons of valuable information to offer .

Here's a little exerpt from my blog post, 

"Social Media levels the playing field. What exactly does that mean?  It means, that whether you are a large nationally known brand, or a small local brand, you’re in the same space on social media. This is why your message and content is so important, it’s why one tweet or share can go viral and send your sales skyrocketing.  What sets you apart is YOUR MESSAGE, not what you spend, that is HUGE! "

I go on to talk about :
  • Which Platforms are best for which content
  • How to find Influencers/Bloggers to work with
  • The Importance of Hashtags
  • How to define your Message
.......and more. You can read the full blog post HERE

I'd love to know how you use Social Media to enhance your business. Leave me a comment below.

In Gratitude and Wellness,