Sunday, September 1, 2013


I've been told by a friend that I lack balance. This came as a shock to me because I have always multi tasked and have always felt balanced. I gave it some thought after being told that "as spiritual that you are and being a yogi, its interesting that you're not balanced at all". WTF?

I take on more than I can handle, my head is always spinning and then I take on more until eventually I have some kind of epiphany that I'm doing too much. That's balance right? I quit when I realize that I'm a hamster on a wheel going nowhere. I balance 3 kids, activities, teaching, social life etc... That's balance right? Or is it not because I'm so exhausted at the end of any given day.. That I crawl into bed exhausted and still can't sleep because my mind is racing.  I wake up with more to do in a day than i can handle and somehow cheat my way thru it. Major realization.. I. AM. SO. NOT. BALANCED.

So I raise my hand here.. Totally NOT balanced BUT working on it. Here are my goals to bring more balance into my life.

1. Say NO . No explanation required.
2. Make time for My practice daily.. Yoga and mediation 
3. Set a limit on kids activities , they don't need to be overbooked and neither do I 
4. Get organized so I don't waste time searching for things that are hidden in plain sight 
5. Get rid of the things that no longer serve me 
6. Take I time for ME, when I'm happy and have good energy, everything just seems to flow a little better
7. Make To-Do lists ( daily and weekly)
8. Use a calendar to keep track of activities : I have double booked half marathons a couple of times , expensive lesson
9. Un-plug - so very important to spend time face to face with people and not try to document every moment on social media. 
10. Realize that I can't do it all 

So thank you my friend , for being a true friend and speaking your truth . For forcing me to see (although it's taken awhile) how I could live more authentically. 

In every relationship, whether with a friend,co-worker,spouse ,partner or family member...we are there to teach one another and also to learn. Our only goal is to do so with an open heart and mind. What we see in others is usually a reflection of something within ourselves .